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Coulsdon Community Partnership Funding Application Form

Coulsdon Community Partnership Funding Application Form

Coulsdon Community Partnership Funding Application Form

We request detailed information through this funding application form to ensure a thorough understanding of each project so that we can easily understand how this fits with the Coulsdon Community Partnership's charitable objects, our mission, values, and funding restrictions. Through this transparent and structured approach, we can effectively evaluate whether a project merits funding approval and whether it aligns with our strategic objectives and commitment to supporting initiatives that positively impact the Coulsdon community.

Project Details:

Project Description:

What do you hope to achieve for your users?

Project Implementation:

How often would the activity take place

Budget and Funding:

Activity Type

Activity Meta Type

Additional Information:

Where does your existing funding come from, what other organisations do you work with to provide this service?

If funding is granted are there any reasons the project may not complete? How are you hoping to avoid this and can we help?

As a condition of funding we will need the following information from you for each event or session of the proposed activity:
Number of users booked
Number of users actually present
Number of new attendees
Number of previous attendees

This can be done via email to Team@CoulsdonPartnership.org


By signing below, I/we acknowledge that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. I/we understand that submission of this application does not guarantee funding from the Coulsdon Community Partnership.

Please submit the completed form to [insert submission email/address].