Mission Statement
The Coulsdon Community Partnership is committed to creating a vibrant and connected community in Coulsdon through a variety of initiatives and programs.
Our primary focus is community engagement, organising and running community events, and showcasing local businesses.
We believe that by bringing people together and promoting local businesses, we can help Coulsdon thrive and become a more vibrant and thriving town.
One way we accomplish this mission is through supporting the Hive Community Garden, located behind the Coulsdon Library. This garden will serve as a community gathering space and symbolises our commitment to sustainability. It is a place where people can come together to plant, grow, fresh harvest produce, and connect with their neighbours and the natural world.
We strive to achieve our mission through vibrant local philanthropy, sustainable charitable funding, and meaningful partnerships with organisations and individuals in the Coulsdon community.
We believe that by working with our community partners, we can make a real and lasting impact in Coulsdon.
We will always provide inspirational leadership and advocacy for our community.
We believe that by promoting and supporting community engagement, we can empower individuals and organisations to make a positive difference in Coulsdon.
We strive to be a voice for our community and to make sure that the needs and concerns of Coulsdon residents are heard and addressed. Overall, the Coulsdon Community Partnership is dedicated to making Coulsdon a more vibrant, connected, and sustainable community for all its residents. We invite you to join us in this mission and to build a better Coulsdon for everyone.
Code of Behaviour Principles As an adult working with Coulsdon Community Partnership in any capacity, including voluntarily, you have a responsibility to ensure that everyone attending or involved in our activities, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults, are protected from harm. It is the responsibility of each adult working with Coulsdon Community Partnership to ensure that: their behaviour is appropriate at all times; they observe the rules established for the safety and security of children, young people and vulnerable adults; they follow the procedures following suspicion, disclosure or allegation of child abuse; the recognise the position of trust in which they have been placed; and in every respect, the relationships they form with the children, young people and vulnerable adults in their care are appropriate All persons who wish to work in Small Charity Support, must accept and understand this policy. They must also agree to put Small Charity Support’s policies on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults into practice. Meeting your responsibilities To give positive guidance the Code of Behaviour (below) provides a list of 'do's and don'ts' to help you ensure that: the welfare of the children and/or young people and/or vulnerable adults for whom you have a duty of care is safeguarded; you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations. Code of Behaviour DO put this code into practice at all times; DO treat everyone with dignity and respect; DO set an example you would wish others to follow; DO treat all young people equally - show no favouritism; DO plan activities that involve more than one other person being present, or at least are within sight and hearing of others; DO follow recommended adult/young people ratios for meetings and activities; DO respect the right to personal privacy of a child, young person or vulnerable adult; DO avoid unacceptable situations within a relationship of trust, eg: a sexual relationship with a young person or vulnerable adult over the age of consent; DO have separate sleeping accommodation for children, young people, adults and Young Leaders working with a younger Section in any overnight activity; DO allow children, young people and vulnerable adults to talk about any concerns they may have; DO encourage others to challenge any attitudes or behaviours they do not like; DO avoid being drawn into inappropriate attention seeking behaviour, eg: tantrums and crushes; DO follow no alcohol' guidance; DO make everyone aware of Coulsdon Community Partnership's procedures for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults; DO remember this code even at sensitive moments, eg: when responding to bullying, bereavement or abuse; DO keep other members of staff/volunteers informed of where you are and what you are doing; DO remember someone else might misinterpret your actions, no matter how well-intentioned; DO take any allegations or concerns of abuse seriously and refer to trustees immediately.
DO NOT trivialise abuse; DO NOT form a relationship with a child, young person or vulnerable adult that is an abuse of trust; DO NOT permit abusive peer activities, eg: initiation ceremonies, bullying; DO NOT engage in inappropriate behaviour or contact - physical, verbal, sexual; DO NOT play physical contact games with children, young people or vulnerable adults; DO NOT make suggestive remarks or threats to a young person, even in fun; DO NOT use inappropriate language - writing, phoning, email or internet; DO NOT let allegations, suspicions, or concerns about abuse go unreported; DO NOT just rely on your good name to protect you.
Equal Opportunities Policy & Procedures Introduction Coulsdon Community Partnership Registered Charity No 1201996 “The Charity" ACCEPTS that in society certain groups or individuals are denied equality on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, disability, gender re-assignment, age, social class, sexual orientation and religion/belief or any other factor irrelevant to the purpose in view. WELCOMES the statutory requirements laid down in the Equalities Act 2010;
- https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents
- https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/your-rights-under-equality-act-2010
- https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/publication-download/equal-pay-statutory-code-practice
Note: the Equalities Act replaced the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976 and supplements the Equal Pay Act 1970 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1970/41/enacted and is committed to complying with the Equalities Act 2010 with such other Acts and statutory requirements furthering equality of opportunity for all as also apply to its charitable activities. RECOGNISES that it has moral and social responsibilities that go beyond the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts and Regulations, and that it should support and contribute to the wider process of change through all aspects of its work and practices in order to eliminate discrimination and promote equality and diversity. IS COMMITTED to taking positive steps to ensure that: all people are treated with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all; equality of opportunity and diversity is promoted; services are accessible, appropriate and delivered fairly to all; the mix of its employees, volunteers and management committees reflects, as far as possible, the broad mix of the population of its local community; traditionally disadvantaged sections of the community are encouraged to participate in policy decisions about, and the management of the services provided.
Equal Opportunities POLICY This policy applies to all Trustees, staff, volunteers, management committee members, users and the general public. Commitment Equality and diversity are central to the work of The Charity. The Charity will treat all people with dignity and respect, valuing the diversity of all. It will promote equality of opportunity and diversity. It will eliminate all forms of discrimination on grounds of race, gender, marital status, caring responsibilities, disability, gender re-assignment, age, social class, sexual orientation, religion/ belief, irrelevant offending background or any other factor irrelevant to the purpose in view. It will tackle social exclusion, inequality, discrimination and disadvantage. For this policy to be successful, it is essential that everyone is committed to and involved in its delivery. The Charity’s goal is to work towards a just society free from discrimination, harassment and prejudice. The Charity aims to embed this in all its policies, procedures, day-to-day practices and external relationships. Aims The Charity aims to: Provide services that are accessible according to need; Promote equality of opportunity and diversity in volunteering, employment and development; Create effective partnerships with all parts of our community. Objectives The Charity’s objective is to realise its standards by: Sustaining, regularly evaluating and continually improving its services to ensure equality and diversity principles and best practice are embedded in our performance to meet the needs of individuals and groups; Working together with the community to provide accessible and relevant service provision that responds to service users’ needs; Ensuring staff, volunteers and trustees are representative of the community served and the employment policies are fair and robust; Responding to volunteer’s & employees’ needs and encouraging their development to increase their contribution to effective service delivery; Recognising and valuing the differences and individual contribution that all people make to The Charity; Challenging discrimination; Providing fair resource allocation; Being accountable. Why have this policy? The Charity recognises, respects and values diversity in its Trustees, employees, volunteers and service users. The Charity has this policy because it is a people-led organisation that must always ensure it meets the needs of the community through fair and appropriate employment and development of the people who work and volunteer for The Charity. Equal Opportunities PROCEDURES Responsibility for Implementation This policy covers the behaviour of all people employed or volunteering in The Charity or using the services and sets out the way they can expect to be treated in turn by The Charity. The overall responsibility for ensuring adherence to and implementation of this policy lies with the Trustees, staff and the management committee. Method of Implementation The Charity intends to implement this policy by: Ensuring that it is a condition of paid employment in The Charity; Ensuring that Trustees, Management committee, volunteers and users are made aware, understand, agree with, and are willing to implement, this policy. Volunteers will be directed to a copy of this policy which will be available on the Coulsdon Community Partnership website; Actively encouraging Trustees, staff, management committee and volunteers to participate in anti-discriminatory training, and making time and resources available for such training; Monitoring the services, publicity and events provided by The Charity, to ensure that they are accessible to all sections of the population and do not discriminate, and taking active steps to ensure that participation is representative. Monitoring and Reviewing The Charity has declared its commitment to establishing, developing, implementing and reviewing a policy of equality of opportunity. Effective record keeping and monitoring, and acting on information gathered, are essential in order to measure effectiveness and plan progress. The management committee will review the policy annually. Volunteer Agreement Coulsdon Community Partnership Charity No 1201996 commits to the following: To provide support for your volunteering role and provide information and/or training for you it to carry out your role, if needed and requested To explain the standards we expect for our services and to encourage and support you to achieve and maintain them To hold meetings where you can discuss your volunteering and any successes and problems, and contacts for you to speak to named individuals separately Offer regular contact and support to ensure you are having a good experience whilst you are volunteering To provide adequate training and feedback in support of providing a safe working environment To ensure that all volunteers are dealt with on a fair and equal basis To treat you with respect and value your ideas and opinions. To provide you with a reference, if you would like to use your volunteering experience as an indication of your skills, experience and abilities to potential employers. This will be not be an employer reference. To be sensitive and aware of different cultures, lifestyles, backgrounds and languages. If you have any particular support needs, you should feel confident that you can discuss these with us in meetings or with a named contact individually. To try and resolve fairly any problems, grievances and difficulties you may have while you volunteer with us.
As a volunteer: I will positively promote the reputation, integrity and aims of Coulsdon Community Partnership. I understand that it is important to respect the law and follow procedures and standards as one would expect and any set out eg but not exclusively: in a Volunteer Policy, safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, health and safety and equal opportunities in relation to staff, volunteers, customers and members of the public. I will treat all information relating to volunteering as strictly private and confidential, unless I am told otherwise. I will maintain a professional relationship with any staff, other volunteers and members of the public at all times. I understand and accept that my support to members of the public can only take place within the confines of the Coulsdon Community Partnership. I am aware that there are procedures for complaints. I will speak a named Coulsdon Community Partnership trustee to help me resolve any concerns I have. I will maintain the confidential information of the organisation and its customers, staff, volunteers and members of the public. I will meet time commitment and standards agreed to except in exceptional circumstances, and to give reasonable notice so other arrangements can be made when I have committed to volunteering I will provide referees, as agreed who may be contacted, and agree to a DBS check being carried out if needed.
CHARITY SAFEGUARDING POLICY Coulsdon Community Partnership Registered Charity Number 1201996 Policy Purpose Our charitable activities may include working with vulnerable people. The purpose of this policy is to protect children and vulnerable adults and provide stakeholders and the public with the overarching principles that guide our approach in doing so. Safeguarding Principles We believe that: Nobody who is involved in our work should ever experience abuse, harm, neglect or exploitation. We all have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all of our beneficiaries, staff and volunteers, to keep them safe and to work in a way that protects them. We all have a collective responsibility for creating a culture in which our people not only feel safe, but also able to speak up, if they have any concerns.
Safeguarding Policy Applicability This safeguarding policy applies to anyone working on our behalf, including our charity trustees and volunteers. Partner organisations and other businesses with premises, stalls at events etc will be required to have their own safeguarding procedures that must, as a minimum, meet the standards outlined below, and include any additional legal or regulatory requirements specific to their work. These may, but are not limited to: Other UK regulators, if applicable, such as Ofsted or CQC. Other authorities, such as the DfES or NHS Keeping children safe online assessment tool. Safeguarding should be appropriately reflected in other relevant policies and procedures. Types of Abuse Abuse can take many forms, such as physical, psychological or emotional, financial, sexual or institutional abuse, including neglect and exploitation. Signs that may indicate the different types of abuse are at Appendix 1 at the end of this document. Reporting Safeguarding Concerns If a crime is in progress, or an individual in immediate danger, call the police, as you would in any other circumstances. If you are a beneficiary, or member of the public, make your concerns known to a member of our team, who will alert a senior member of the charity. For members of the charity, make your concerns known to a trustee. The trustees will check on their reporting obligations to the Charity Commission in respect of Serious Incident Reporting and, if applicable, other regulator. They will be aware of the Government guidance on handling safeguarding allegations via this document. Trustee Safeguarding Responsibilities Responsibilities will be made clear and individuals directed to this policy and able to request any necessary training and resources to enable them to carry out their role. This policy and procedures should be reviewed at a minimum at Charity AGMs/ annual planning and with other other procedures, as necessary, and agreed by the Trustees/board. Trustees are aware of and will comply with the Charity Commission guidance on safeguarding and protecting people and also the 10 actions trustee boards need to take to ensure good safeguarding governance. The Trustees are responsible for the oversight of all aspects of safety, including whistleblowing and, if applicable, H&SW. This will include: Creating a culture of respect, in which everyone feel safe and able to speak up. An annual review of safety, with recommendations to the Board. Ensuring this and related policies are being applied consistently. Providing oversight of any lapses in safeguarding. Ensuring that any issues are properly investigated and dealt with quickly, fairly and sensitively, and any reporting to the Police/statutory authorities is carried out. Leading the organisation in way that makes everyone feels safe and able to speak up. Ensuring safeguarding risk management is considered and appropriate action taken to minimise risks, as part of The Charity’s risk management processes. Considering programmes/activities to take into account potential safeguarding risks, to ensure these are adequately mitigated. Ensuring that all appointments that require DBS clearance and safeguarding training are identified, including the level of DBS and any training required. Listening and engaging, beneficiaries, staff, volunteers and others and involving them as appropriate. Responding to any concerns sensitively and acting quickly to address these. Ensuring that personal data is stored and managed in a safe way that is compliant with data protection regulations, including required consent to use any imagery or video. Making staff, volunteers and others aware of: Our safeguarding procedures and their specific safeguarding responsibilities Everyone. To be aware of our procedures, undertake any necessary training, be aware of the risks and signs of potential abuse and, if you have concerns, to report these immediately (see above). Safeguarding And Fundraising We will ensure that: We comply with the Code of Fundraising Practice, including fundraising that involves children. Staff and volunteers are made aware of the Institute of Fundraising guidance on keeping fundraising safe and the NCVO Guidance on vulnerable people and fundraising. Our fundraising material is accessible, clear and ethical, including not placing any undue pressure on individuals to donate. We do not either solicit nor accept donations from anyone whom we know or think may not be competent to make their own decisions. We are sensitive to any particular need that a donor may have.
Charity Commission - Online Safeguarding Procedures We will identify and manage online risks by ensuring: The online services we provide will be suitable for our users. For example, use age restrictions and offer password protection to help keep people safe The services we use and/or provide are considered safe and in line with best practice Protect people’s personal data and follow GDPR legislation. We have permission to display any close-up images on our website or social media accounts eg consent from a vulnerable adult or child’s parent Concerns may be reported using this policy, or direct to a social media provider using their reporting process. If you are unsure, you can contact one of these organisations, who will help you.
Appendix 1 – Signs of Abuse
Physical Abuse.
- bruises, black eyes, welts, lacerations, and rope marks. broken bones.
- open wounds, cuts, punctures, untreated injuries in various stages of healing.
- broken eyeglasses/frames, or any physical signs of being punished or restrained.
- laboratory findings of either an overdose or under dose medications.
- individual’s report being hit, slapped, kicked, or mistreated.
- vulnerable adult’s sudden change in behaviour.
- the caregiver’s refusal to allow visitors to see a vulnerable adult alone.
Sexual Abuse.
- bruises around the breasts or genital area.
- unexplained venereal disease or genital infections.
- unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding.
- torn, stained, or bloody underclothing. an individual’s report of being sexually assaulted or raped.
Mental Mistreatment/Emotional Abuse.
- being emotionally upset or agitated.
- being extremely withdrawn and non-communicative or non-responsive.
- nervousness around certain people.
- an individual’s report of being verbally or mentally mistreated.
- dehydration, malnutrition, untreated bed sores and poor personal hygiene.
- unattended or untreated health problems.
- hazardous or unsafe living condition (e.g. improper wiring, no heat or running water).
- unsanitary and unclean living conditions (e.g., dirt, fleas, lice on person, soiled bedding, faecal/urine smell, inadequate clothing).
- an individual’s report of being mistreated.
- dehydration, malnutrition, untreated or improperly attended medical conditions, and poor personal hygiene.
- hazardous or unsafe living conditions.
- unsanitary or unclean living quarters (e.g., animal/insect infestation, no functioning toilet, faecal or urine smell).
- inappropriate and/or inadequate clothing, lack of the necessary medical aids.
- grossly inadequate housing or homelessness. inadequate medical care, not taking prescribed medications properly.
- sudden changes in bank account or banking practice, including an unexplained withdrawal of large sums of money.
- adding additional names on bank signature cards.
- unauthorised withdrawal of funds using an ATM card.
- abrupt changes in a will or other financial documents.
- unexplained disappearance of funds or valuable possessions.
- bills unpaid despite the money being available to pay them.
- forging a signature on financial transactions or for the titles of possessions.
- sudden appearance of previously uninvolved relatives claiming rights to a vulnerable adult’s possessions.
- unexplained sudden transfer of assets to a family member or someone outside the family.
- providing services that are not necessary. individuals report of exploitation.
Health and Safety Policy & Procedures
Coulsdon Community Partnership Registered Charity Number 1201996
Our Health and Safety commitment is to:
- minimise and prevent accidents and sickness
- alway consider how to minimise risks
- discuss risk management regarding all activities
- complete risk assessments
- complete written risk assessments where necessary
- provide instructions and any training required to ensure people are competent to undertake their roles
- provide protective equipment when necessary
- consult Trustees/Health and Safety Executive when in doubt
- ensure safe handling of substances
- maintain and check equipment is safe
- maintain safe and healthy working environment
- implement any emergency procedures
- review and revise this policy as necessary
All trustees and volunteers should:
- co-operate with all health and safety matters
- complete risk assessments
- complete written risk assessments where necessary
- take full precautions and care for their own health and safety, and that of others report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person/Trustee
£100 Donation
Regular price £100.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
£75 Donation
Regular price £75.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
£50 Donation
Regular price £50.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
£25 Donation
Regular price £25.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
£10 Donation
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£5 Donation
Regular price £5.00Regular priceUnit price / per